In the early nineteen hundreds, dinosaur fossils were discovered and recognized around the globe. Greedy scientists and civilians, searching for their own prize skeleton, rushed to rip bones out of the ground, destroying the fossils as they went. It was not until later in the century that scientists and paleontologists began pondering how such widespread creatures disappeared. Currently, paleontologists debate the two main hypotheses of how the classic dinosaurs died: from volcanic activity or an asteroid impact. Although they result in the same outcome, the volcanic and asteroid hypotheses differ in key elements: the actual event, the environment's stress, and the impact on life.
Physical evidence left behind in each scenario supports each possible explanation for the massive extinction responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs. Scientists that support the volcanic activity hypothesis believe the massive volcanic activity lasted approximately 500,000 years eventually ending dinosaurs reign on earth. The lava flows filled over 480,000 cubic miles, devastating areas over the entire globe. For example, The Decan Trap, a famous site of Cretaceous tectonic activity, is up to 8,000 feet deep, and it averaged between thirty-three and 164 feet deep. Fires raged across the lands. Those that believe in the asteroid impact, on the other hand, project a six mile wide meteorite moved at speeds from 50,000 mph to 150,000 mph and busted into Earth's atmosphere at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The sudden impact near the present day Yucatan Peninsula ejected 5,000 cubic miles of debris into the atmosphere and created an earthquake of magnitude thirteen sending tidal waves, 250 to 300 feet high, around the world. The crater that decimated 50 to 60 miles of earth 13 to 25 miles deep. Supporters of the asteroid hypothesis, in addition to volcanic hypothesizers, believe lands were incinerated by temperatures over a few thousand degrees.
As scientists further uncovered evidence supporting the viability of the two theories, they proposed effects on the environment of the life shattering event. Volcanic theorists believe the atmosphere slowly filled with dust, ash, and toxic fumes. This thickening pollution produced acid rain that killed plant life. These hypothesists believe the lack of sun caused an ice age that in turn lowered water levels. Since the lower water level created less tropical climates, temperatures everywhere became more diversified and harsher climates came into effect. Supporters of the asteroid hypothesis likewise believe a immense cloud of dust blanketed the globe; consequently, no sunlight hit the ground. The dust covered the sky for months. Since no light warmed the earth for months, temperatures dropped below freezing for between one and six months. Asteroid theorists also believe the lack of sun killed plant life; however, instead of acid rain, these scientists believe the freezing temperatures killed vegetation. Nevertheless, supporters of both theories believe the environment's depletion and the climate's changes around the world are responsible for terminating the dinosaurs.
While the environment worsened, life on Earth started to vanish. The volcanic hypothesizers believe the number of species began dwindling down over period of at least a million years. The volcanic activity's pollution only covered parts of the sky since eruptions did not take place continuously around the world. As plants began dying, herbivorous animals thinned in population. Conditions failed to improve since acid rain contaminated waters and temperatures moved to the extremes. The combined changes, according to supporters of the volcanic hypothesis, eventually lead to death of dinosaurs and other organisms alike. Conversely, paleontologists backing the asteroid hypothesis guess the massive blast killed nearby animals instantaneously. Creatures on the opposite side of the world, however, were not so lucky. They were forced to dwell in freezing temperatures until vegetation withered. Herbivores quickly starved to death; consequently, carnivores lacked prey. Instead of gradually dying off, dinosaurs perished within one generation. Although the two hypotheses of the great extinction come from opposite occurrences, in the end the event proved fatal.
While paleontologists may never agree on the true cause of dinosaurs' extinction, many people are now speculating mankind's termination. Will mother nature be responsible for our destruction also? Only time will tell. Perhaps in the far future, another species will encounter human remains and search for our match maker.
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