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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hortatory exposition example
Dear sir,
We have writing this letter to you because we are concerned about education quality of SMAN 1 Welahan.
To improve the students’ quality in language learning, we need language laboratory.
As we know, two of the subjects given on the national final examination are Bahasa Indonesia and English. Especially on English, there is listening comprehension section on the test. Students should be prepared to do listening test and one of the instruments needed is language laboratory.
Actually we have tape recorder to teach listening, but it is a matter of problem since the teacher must bring tape recorder, wire, cassette and other material from class to class. It wastes of energy and time. Teachers are busy on preparing instruments. If we have language laboratory, teacher can prepare the material of lesson without disturbing preparing the instruments.
Furthermore, language laboratory is not only used by English lesson, but also can be used by any language lessons. There are four language lessons in SMANELA, they are Bahasa Indonesia, English, Arabic and Bahasa Jawa. Those teachers can use language laboratory when teaching and it is very useful for students.
(From www.peperonity.com)
The Guessing Game: How Dinosaurs Went Extinct
In the early nineteen hundreds, dinosaur fossils were discovered and recognized around the globe. Greedy scientists and civilians, searching for their own prize skeleton, rushed to rip bones out of the ground, destroying the fossils as they went. It was not until later in the century that scientists and paleontologists began pondering how such widespread creatures disappeared. Currently, paleontologists debate the two main hypotheses of how the classic dinosaurs died: from volcanic activity or an asteroid impact. Although they result in the same outcome, the volcanic and asteroid hypotheses differ in key elements: the actual event, the environment's stress, and the impact on life.
Physical evidence left behind in each scenario supports each possible explanation for the massive extinction responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs. Scientists that support the volcanic activity hypothesis believe the massive volcanic activity lasted approximately 500,000 years eventually ending dinosaurs reign on earth. The lava flows filled over 480,000 cubic miles, devastating areas over the entire globe. For example, The Decan Trap, a famous site of Cretaceous tectonic activity, is up to 8,000 feet deep, and it averaged between thirty-three and 164 feet deep. Fires raged across the lands. Those that believe in the asteroid impact, on the other hand, project a six mile wide meteorite moved at speeds from 50,000 mph to 150,000 mph and busted into Earth's atmosphere at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The sudden impact near the present day Yucatan Peninsula ejected 5,000 cubic miles of debris into the atmosphere and created an earthquake of magnitude thirteen sending tidal waves, 250 to 300 feet high, around the world. The crater that decimated 50 to 60 miles of earth 13 to 25 miles deep. Supporters of the asteroid hypothesis, in addition to volcanic hypothesizers, believe lands were incinerated by temperatures over a few thousand degrees.
As scientists further uncovered evidence supporting the viability of the two theories, they proposed effects on the environment of the life shattering event. Volcanic theorists believe the atmosphere slowly filled with dust, ash, and toxic fumes. This thickening pollution produced acid rain that killed plant life. These hypothesists believe the lack of sun caused an ice age that in turn lowered water levels. Since the lower water level created less tropical climates, temperatures everywhere became more diversified and harsher climates came into effect. Supporters of the asteroid hypothesis likewise believe a immense cloud of dust blanketed the globe; consequently, no sunlight hit the ground. The dust covered the sky for months. Since no light warmed the earth for months, temperatures dropped below freezing for between one and six months. Asteroid theorists also believe the lack of sun killed plant life; however, instead of acid rain, these scientists believe the freezing temperatures killed vegetation. Nevertheless, supporters of both theories believe the environment's depletion and the climate's changes around the world are responsible for terminating the dinosaurs.
While the environment worsened, life on Earth started to vanish. The volcanic hypothesizers believe the number of species began dwindling down over period of at least a million years. The volcanic activity's pollution only covered parts of the sky since eruptions did not take place continuously around the world. As plants began dying, herbivorous animals thinned in population. Conditions failed to improve since acid rain contaminated waters and temperatures moved to the extremes. The combined changes, according to supporters of the volcanic hypothesis, eventually lead to death of dinosaurs and other organisms alike. Conversely, paleontologists backing the asteroid hypothesis guess the massive blast killed nearby animals instantaneously. Creatures on the opposite side of the world, however, were not so lucky. They were forced to dwell in freezing temperatures until vegetation withered. Herbivores quickly starved to death; consequently, carnivores lacked prey. Instead of gradually dying off, dinosaurs perished within one generation. Although the two hypotheses of the great extinction come from opposite occurrences, in the end the event proved fatal.
While paleontologists may never agree on the true cause of dinosaurs' extinction, many people are now speculating mankind's termination. Will mother nature be responsible for our destruction also? Only time will tell. Perhaps in the far future, another species will encounter human remains and search for our match maker.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Green, Pink and Yellow
(In Look a head, English Course)
An English teacher was explaining about colors to his student.
After he had finished explaining, he asked his student. “Who can make a sentence using the words green, pink and yellow ? James, the smartest student in the class, quickly raise his hand and answered, “When the yellow morning sun comes, I see a beautiful girl wearing a pink blouse walking through the green grass.
“Excellent ! James, you are a very good student! ” praise the teacher.
“Me, , me, , Sir!” Johny, the naughty student in the class, said while raising his hand. And then he said, “I heard the telephong was ringing, green . . . green . ., then I pinked up the receiver and I said, “Yellow, who’s speaking there ?”
Slide of Embankments Tug at 82 Persons
by Vernida
KARANGANYAR ; Flood and slide of embankments attacked some areas in Center Java near
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesian President commands Mardiyanto, Minister of Internal Affairs to view and observe about emergency handling there. That command was revealed by Andy Malarangeng, President’s spokesperson.
In Karang Anyar Resident, slide embankments happened at 8 areas, which are Tawangmangu, Karangpandan, Matesih, Ngargoyoso, Jatiyoso, Jumapolo, Jenawi and Kerjo. Based data on “Satkorlak” Karanganyar resident until 7.30 PM dead victims total are 65 persons, and 37 of there are the dead victims in Tawangmangu.
It was rained since Tuesday make main street which connect Tawangmangu and Karangpandan, Ngargoyoso, and Karanganyar closed by slide of embankments. While Tawangmangu’s alternative line closed by soil in Nganoman.
Governor of Center Java, Ali Mufiz comes to disaster location. He request effort of opening Tawangmangu access can do fast. The prediction is material of soil and stones which close street will be cleaned in 3 until 4 days.
by Vernida
The birthday of
It has many beautiful places, culinary places until shopping places. Many people like to go shopping here, even people from far place. Because of
About culture in
Education in
Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree
Once upon a time there was a king who had a wife, whose name was Silver-Tree, and a daughter, whose name was Gold-Tree. On a certain day of the days, Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree went to a glen, where there was a well, and in it there was a trout.
Said Silver-Tree, "Troutie, bonny little fellow, am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"
"Oh! indeed you are not."
"Who then?"
"Why, Gold-Tree, your daughter."
Silver-Tree went home, blind with rage. She lay down on the bed, and vowed she would never be well until she could get the heart and the liver of Gold-Tree, her daughter, to eat.
At nightfall the king came home, and it was told him that Silver-Tree, his wife, was very ill. He went where she was, and asked her what was wrong with her.
"Oh! only a thing which you may heal if you like."
"Oh! indeed there is nothing at all which I could do for you that I would not do."
"If I get the heart and the liver of Gold-Tree, my daughter, to eat, I shall be well."
Now it happened about this time that the son of a great king had come from abroad to ask Gold-Tree for marrying. The king now agreed to this, and they went abroad.
The king then went and sent his lads to the hunting hill for a he goat, and he gave its heart and its liver to his wife to eat; and she rose well and healthy.
A year after this Silver-Tree went to the glen, where there was the well in which there was the trout.
"Troutie, bonny little fellow," said she, "am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"
"Oh! indeed you are not."
"Who then?"
"Why, Gold-Tree, your daughter."
"Oh! well, it is long since she was living. It is a year since I ate her heart and liver."
"Oh! indeed she is not dead. She is married to a great prince abroad."
Silver-Tree went home, and begged the king to put the long-ship in order, and said, "I am going to see my dear Gold-Tree, for it is so long since I saw her." The long-ship was put in order, and they went away.
It was Silver-Tree herself that was at the helm, and she steered the ship so well that they were not long at all before they arrived.
The prince was out hunting on the hills. Gold-Tree knew the long-ship of her father coming.
"Oh!" said she to the servants, "my mother is coming, and she will kill me."
"She shall not kill you at all; we will lock you in a room where she cannot get near you."
This is how it was done; and when Silver-Tree came ashore, she began to cry out, "Come to meet your own mother, when she comes to see you."
Gold-Tree said that she could not, that she was locked in the room, and that she could not get out of it.
"Will you not put out," said Silver-Tree, "your little finger through the keyhole, so that your own mother may give a kiss to it?"
She put out her little finger, and Silver-Tree went and put a poisoned stab in it, and Gold-Tree fell dead.
When the prince came home, and found Gold-Tree dead, he was in great sorrow, and when he saw how beautiful she was, he did not bury her at all, but he locked her in a room where nobody would get near her.
In the course of time he married again, and the whole house was under the hand of this wife but one room, and he himself always kept the key of that room. On a certain day of the days her forgot to take the key with him, and the second wife got into the room. What did she see there but the most beautiful woman that she ever saw.
She began to turn and try to wake her, and she noticed the poisoned stab in her finger. She took the stab out, and Gold-Tree rose alive, as beautiful as she was ever.
At the fall of night the prince came home from the hunting hill, looking very downcast.
"What gift," said his wife, "would you give me that I could make you laugh?"
"Oh! indeed, nothing could make me laugh, except Gold-Tree were to come alive again."
"Well, you'll find her alive down there in the room."
When the prince saw Gold-Tree alive her made great rejoicings, and he began to kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her. Said the second wife, "Since she is the first one you had it is better for you to stick to her, and I will go away."
"Oh! indeed you shall not go away, but I shall have both of you."
At the end of the year, Silver-Tree went to the glen, where there was the well, in which there was the trout.
"Troutie, bonny little fellow," said she, "am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"
"Oh! indeed you are not."
"Who then?"
"Why Gold-Tree, your daughter."
"Oh! well, she is not alive. It is a year since I put the poisoned stab into her finger."
"Oh! indeed she is not dead at all, at all."
Silver-Tree went home, and begged the king to put the long-ship in order, for that she was going to see her dear Gold-Tree, as it was so long since she saw her. The long-ship was put in order, and they went away. It was Silver-Tree herself that was at the helm, and she steered the ship so well that they were not long at all before they arrived.
The prince was out hunting on the hills. Gold-Tree knew her father's ship coming.
"Oh!" said she, "my mother is coming, and she will kill me."
"Not at all," said the second wife; "we will go down to meet her."
Silver-Tree came ashore. "Come down, Gold tree, love," said she, "for your own mother has come to you with a precious drink."
"It is a custom in this country," said the second wife, "that the person who offers a drink takes a draught out of it first."
Silver-Tree put her mouth to it, and the second wife went and struck it so that some of it went down her throat, and she fell dead. they had only to carry her home a dead corpse and bury her.
The prince and his two wives were long alive after this, pleased and peaceful.
I left them there.
- Source: Joseph Jacobs, Celtic Fairy Tales (London: David Nutt, 1892), no. 11, pp. 88-92.
- Jacobs' source: Kenneth Macleod, Celtic Magazine, vol. 13, pp. 213-218.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My achievement
1. 1st rank at 1st grade in elementary school
2. 1st rank at 2nd grade in elementary school
3. 1st rank at 3rd grade in elementary school
4. 1st rank at 4th grade in elementary school
5. 1st rank at 5th grade in elementary school
6. 1st rank at 6th grade in elementary school
7. The 3rd winner at "Siswa Teladan" competition, Kecamatan Level
8. The 3rd winner at Painting competition, Kecamatan Level

9. The 2nd winner at Quick n Smart about Religion, Kecamatan Level
10. The 3rd winner at Painting competition on Education Day, Bandung Level

In Junior High School ( 8 Junior High School in Bandung)
1. 2nd rank at 1st grade
2. 1st rank at 2nd grade
3. 1st rank at 3rd grade
4. The 1st winner at "Siswa Teladan" Competition, Kecamatan Level

5. The 1st winner at Speech competition in School

6. The 3rd winner at Calligraphy competition in School

7. The 1st winner at "Math Olympiad" at East Bandung

8. The 1st winner at Sundanese Writing Competition in School
9. The 3rd Winner at "LT II PRAMUKA"

10. The 1st Winner at Quick n Smart Competition in school
11. Participant in "Scout Jambore on the Air" West Java Level

12. Participant at Speech Contest in PRONG's 2004

13. The 1sr rank in the school (SMPN 8 Bandung)

In Senior High School
1. The 3rd Winner at "BINA" on Debate Competition
2. "Paskibra Kecamatan Ujungberung 2006"

3. The 2nd Winner at Debate Competition on Isra Mi'raj Competition
4. Participant at "Math Olympiad", Bandung Level

5. Participant at "Astronomy Olympiad" , Bandung Level to Selection Province
6. Participant at Young Ambassador ; Dreams and teams. Malaysia, 4th-8th March 2007

7. The 2nd winner at Essay Writing Competition in 24 environment
By Vernida Mufidah
Once day there was a man from Sundanese, his name wash Kabayan and he was so lazy. Kabayan was ordered to find jack fruit in forest by his father in law, whom name was Abah.
“Kabayan, please bring me a jack fruit !” Abah said
“Abah, I must sleep. I am so tired !”
“Hey, do you want to marry my daughter ? If you want, do it now!”
So Kabayan went to the forest. And when he arrived, he found a jack fruit tree. He was so happy! Then he climbed it and fell jack fruit under.
Because he was so lazy. So he didn’t bring jack fruit by himself.
“Huh, I’m so lazy to bring it to my home. . “Kabayan said in his thinking
He found a river and,
“Wow, There is a river!” he said
Then he said, “Jack fruit, you must go home alone! I have an important job, that is I must sleep here. Do you know my home ?”
“My home is at Parahyangan village, Yeah . . . . near a big tree.”
It was so stupid ! Jack fruit was wandered by Kabayan. And then he slept in the forest.
Abah came and made Kabayan to wake up, “Kabayan, wake up, wake up!!!”, then he asked him “Where’s my jack fruit ?”
“Hah ? Has not it go home alone ?”
“You are so stupid, It is impossible if jack fruit can go home ALONE!!”
“But, , , “
“Now you must bring a new jack fruit for me and remember don’t wander it to the river!”
At last Kabayan brought a new jack fruit by himself, although he was so angry.
Once day there was a man from Sundanese, his name wash Kabayan and he was so lazy. Kabayan was ordered to find jack fruit in forest by his father in law, whom name was Abah.
“Kabayan, please bring me a jack fruit !” Abah said
“Abah, I must sleep. I am so tired !”
“Hey, do you want to marry my daughter ? If you want, do it now!”
So Kabayan went to the forest. And when he arrived, he found a jack fruit tree. He was so happy! Then he climbed it and fell jack fruit under.
Because he was so lazy. So he didn’t bring jack fruit by himself.
“Huh, I’m so lazy to bring it to my home. . “Kabayan said in his thinking
He found a river and,
“Wow, There is a river!” he said
Then he said, “Jack fruit, you must go home alone! I have an important job, that is I must sleep here. Do you know my home ?”
“My home is at Parahyangan village, Yeah . . . . near a big tree.”
It was so stupid ! Jack fruit was wandered by Kabayan. And then he slept in the forest.
Abah came and made Kabayan to wake up, “Kabayan, wake up, wake up!!!”, then he asked him “Where’s my jack fruit ?”
“Hah ? Has not it go home alone ?”
“You are so stupid, It is impossible if jack fruit can go home ALONE!!”
“But, , , “
“Now you must bring a new jack fruit for me and remember don’t wander it to the river!”
At last Kabayan brought a new jack fruit by himself, although he was so angry.
Hi Friend, do you use IM3 as your provider ? Ok, if you use it, I have good news for you. There is a new program which make you can send message free during one day to Indosat provider, such as IM3, Mentari and Matrix which are registered. Ok, this is procedure to get this program :
a. First you must have IM3 card and hand phone ( of course)
b. And then register your number to *333*1#
c. After that ther are some option, these are :
1. Register
2. Update
3. List Member
d. Next you choose number one to register your friend number. But remember, you can only register two numbers.
e. After you register, there is a requisite to get notification message for this program, that is you must use your pulse to call people until earn Rp 2.000,00.
f. Finally, If you get notification message which inform you that you can use this program. It means you can send free message during one day to two friends. Enjoy it!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The first , , ,
So, enjoy to my blog~!!! and dont forget to give me your comment !!!
see ya!!!