Bandung is our city. It's Capital of West Java, Indonesia. in the 1930s, the City of Bandung was known as "Paris of Java", as well as "the Flower City". But since the population growth, it makes Bandung is so dense. The density makes our city to be hot, dirty and musty. Why? Because we don't conscious about the environment.
Bandung has a perspective and mission, that is BERMARTABAT.
BER = Bersih (Neat)
MAR = Makmur (Prosperous)
TA = Taat (Obedient)
BAT = Bersahabat (Friendly)
From the first perspective that is Neat, we want our city to be neat city. But look our city! Are you sure it is neat ?
First so many rubbish, even our city is known as “Rubbish City”. I remember when I went to Dufan with my friends in Junior High School, Jakarta people teased us about rubbish. They asked us,
“Hey, Are you from Bandung ? Don't throw rubbish everywhere! Hahahah!”
Yeah, it so tragic! Based on research, everyday 2 until 3 liter of rubbish is produced by everybody. It means we produce so many rubbish everyday. And the problem is no place for throw our rubbish, moreover when TPA ( Tempat Pembuangan Akhir / Final Banishment Place) Leuwigajah is slide of embankments. There is no place, and it makes the rubbish on the side street. So stink!! Ugghhh…
Second, its air is so dirty. Based on research, Only 55 days every year, Bandung can produce the clean air. Hey, it means only 15 % the clean air! Why ? Because we don't have enough RTH (Ruang Terbuka Hijau/ Opened Green Space), We have 6.5 % from Bandung's capacious, but in fact we must have 30% from Bandung's capacious.
What's the main problem ? It's only one, because of us. We only do protest, protest and protest, but there is no act! Many people critics about air in Bandung, but they don't have Opened Green Space in their yard.
So from now, we conclude “Lets to be conscious and take act about our environment!”. So make our city to be clean, comfort, and beautiful